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XSetup plugin | 2000-08-07 | 4.1 KB | 137 lines |
- "FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0"
- "TYPE"="6"
- "COUNT"="4"
- "UIPATH"="Internet\Instant Messaging\GOOEY"
- "NAME"="Privacy Settings"
- "VERSION"="1.02"
- "LANGUAGE"="VBScript"
- "TEXT 1"="Enable "Invisible Mode""
- "TEXT 2"="Show other Gooey users your details"
- "TEXT 3"="Log group chats"
- "TEXT 4"="Log private chats"
- "DESCRIPTION 1"="Some more options for Gooey."
- "DESCRIPTION 2"="Gooey may be obtained at http://www.gooey.com/"
- "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
- "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com"
- "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
- "COMMENT 1"=" "
- "COMMENT 2"="Thanks to CptSiskoX for the settings and the idea."
- '-- ONLY CHANGE THE LINES WITHOUT ' at the beginning !!
- '
- '*** Xteq Systems "On/Off" Plug-in Template ***
- '*** ID_XQ_PT1 V1.00
- ' how many settings are in this file (change "COUNT=" also!)
- CountSettings=4
- ' does this plug-in requires the user to logoff or to restart his PC?
- bRequireLogoff=False
- bRequireRestart=False
- ' if this path exists in the registry, the plug-in will be enabled. if it does
- ' not exist, the plug-in will be disable set to ="" to ignore this check and alway
- ' enable the plug-in, regardless if the path exists or not
- sCheckPath="HKCU\Software\Hypernix\Gooey\"
- ' Settings for Value # 1
- sV1_Path="HKCU\Software\Hypernix\Gooey\Environment\InvisibleMode"
- sV1_OnValue="1" 'what is the "ON" value (e.g. "1", "True", "On" etc.)
- sV1_OffValue="0" 'what is the "OFF" value (e.g. "0", "False", "Off" etc.)
- sV1_DataType="2" 'datatype of this value (REG_STRING=1, REG_DWORD=2, REG_BINARY=3, REG_EXPAND_SZ=4)
- ' Settings for Value # 2
- sV2_Path="HKCU\Software\Hypernix\Gooey\Environment\EnableExposeDetails"
- sV2_OnValue="1"
- sV2_OffValue="0"
- sV2_DataType="2"
- ' Settings for Value # 3
- sV3_Path="HKCU\Software\Hypernix\Gooey\Environment\LogGroupChat"
- sV3_OnValue="1"
- sV3_OffValue="0"
- sV3_DataType="2"
- ' Settings for Value # 4
- sV4_Path="HKCU\Software\Hypernix\Gooey\Environment\LogPrivateChat"
- sV4_OnValue="1"
- sV4_OffValue="0"
- sV4_DataType="2"
- ' Settings for Value # 5
- sV5_Path=""
- sV5_OnValue="1"
- sV5_OffValue="0"
- sV5_DataType="2"
- '*** Xteq Systems "On/Off" Plug-in Template ***
- '
- Sub Plugin_Initialize
- If Len(sCheckPath)>0 then
- if left(sCheckPath,1)<>"\" then sCheckPath=sCheckPath & "\"
- b=RegPathExists(sCheckPath)
- if b=true then
- Call ReadSettings
- else
- Call Disable
- end if
- else
- Call ReadSettings
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub ReadSettings
- Call ReadSettingsEx(1,sV1_Path,sV1_OnValue)
- if CountSettings>=2 then Call ReadSettingsEx(2,sV2_Path,sV2_OnValue)
- if CountSettings>=3 then Call ReadSettingsEx(3,sV3_Path,sV3_OnValue)
- if CountSettings>=4 then Call ReadSettingsEx(4,sV4_Path,sV4_OnValue)
- if CountSettings>=5 then Call ReadSettingsEx(5,sV5_Path,sV5_OnValue)
- End Sub
- Sub ReadSettingsEx(ID,REGP,VALON)
- s=RegReadValue(REGP)
- 'Call DebugMsg("VAL:" & s & " ID:" & ID & " VAL_ON:" & VALON)
- if CStr(s)=VALON then
- Call SetUIElement(ID,true)
- End if
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
- Call WriteSettings(GetUIElement(1),sV1_Path,sV1_OnValue,sV1_OffValue,sV1_DataType)
- if CountSettings>=2 then Call WriteSettings(GetUIElement(2),sV2_Path,sV2_OnValue,sV2_OffValue,sV2_DataType)
- if CountSettings>=3 then Call WriteSettings(GetUIElement(3),sV3_Path,sV3_OnValue,sV3_OffValue,sV3_DataType)
- if CountSettings>=4 then Call WriteSettings(GetUIElement(4),sV4_Path,sV4_OnValue,sV4_OffValue,sV4_DataType)
- if CountSettings>=5 then Call WriteSettings(GetUIElement(5),sV5_Path,sV5_OnValue,sV5_OffValue,sV5_DataType)
- if bRequireLogoff then Logoff()
- if bRequireRestart then Restart()
- End Sub
- if CUR_VAL=true then
- Call RegWriteValue(REGP,ON_VAL,DAT_TYPE)
- else
- Call RegWriteValue(REGP,OFF_VAL,DAT_TYPE)
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Terminate
- End Sub